Eco Travel, Fair Fashion

Farewell Summer

Summer ends as Autumn arrives. The change of seasons brings a change in moods. We all know how excited we were when summer arrived. A higher level of energy, beeing more active and feeling happier is definitely the most exciting thing, apart from the warmer weather of course. Now that the lights get dimmer, the weather chillier and the colors softer, we all know it is the time for a wardrobe change. Fall/Autumn is here. Saying good bye to the Summer always comes with a little heart break. I would love to live in a country with just the one season –> Summer! :-)

Each season has its own little treasures. The only way to keep the summer-loving mood from going under is to cherish these seasonal highlights while we wait. Even though the weather gets colder, the colors get warmer. Looking forward to wearing boots and spending my nights in candle light are what helps me to embrace the change in season.

I have this ritual of finding a day to say farewell to my lovely Summer and to welcome the change that comes with Autumn. A long walk on the Dutch beach, a perfect adieu for the Summer. Through the brisk winds I could already feel the change in weather. The season changing period allows a combination of summer and autumn clothes. I wore my summer shorts, but brought a cozy cardigan as well. Instead of the sandals that I usually wear during the summer, I decided to bring a pair of closed flats from Topshop. At least the looking forward to wearing Fall clothes leaves my fashion loving heart beating fast.

How do you say Goodbye to Summer? Are you ready for Fall?

Monki Top
Vila Cardigan
Topshop Shoes